#ocTEL Online Resources

Here I am just going to cluster some of the resources I’ve been reading about on the ocTEL MOOC. The first one that looks really interesting is Socrative: http://www.socrative.com/ which is free and allows you set up quizzes, Q&A and a lot more with instant responses using smartphones, tablets or PCs.

Here are some ressources directly from the ocTEL platform that I’ve found useful or intend to go and look at later:

The first webinair of the ocTEL MOOC was once again the occasion to hear about a number of applications and platforms that I wasn’t familiar with. Some of these seem to do very similar things so I suppose it’s just a question of finding the one that is best suited to the individual’s way of working and particular needs. This, unfortunately, means finding the time to try them and evaluate them or finding people with similar needs and circumstances who have already done this.

So, some of the resources mentioned during the webinair:




Mendeley is a free reference manager and academic social network that can help you organize your research, collaborate with others online, and discover the latest research.

  • Automatically generate bibliographies
  • Collaborate easily with other researchers online
  • Easily import papers from other research software
  • Find relevant papers based on what you’re reading
  • Access your papers from anywhere online
  • Read papers on the go, with our new iPhone app



I really enjoyed these videos by David White from the University of Oxford talking about his “visitors and residents” model as opposed to Mark Pensky’s better-known “digital natives and immigrants” model.  I think he is onto something important here.

Visitors and Residents: Part 1

David White (@daveowhite, http://twitter.com/daveowhite) of the University of Oxford explains how the Visitors and Residents model provides a framework to understand individuals’ engagement with the Web based on motivation and context. In part 1 of this series, he argues that the metaphors of ‘place’ and ‘tool’ best represent the use of technology in contemporary society and allow us to better adapt to the challenges of new forms of academic practice.


Visitors and Residents: Part 2

David White (@daveowhite, http://twitter.com/daveowhite) of the University of Oxford explains how the Web is changing academic practice and challenging traditional notions of credibility and authority. In part 2 of this series, he considers how the Visitors and Residents model helps understand what this means for individuals and institutions.


Here are a couple of articles that I will be reading and which look as if they could provide some valuable insights:

Technology-enhanced learning and teaching in higher education: what is ‘enhanced’ and how do we know? A critical literature review


Technology enhanced learning – where’s the evidence?


This is a resource that I’ll be trying out in the very near future. I’ve been wondering what to do with my ScoopIt for a while and since I don’t seem to be able to easily transfer it to Facebook anymore.

4 ways to integrate Scoop.it with WordPress


Looking for a comprehensive “must-have” eLearning checklist for your next eLearning Course Design project? This is a checklist that every eLearning professional should have on hand, especially since there are so many steps involved in the eLearning course design process.


TEL glossary being collaboratively built up.



4 thoughts on “#ocTEL Online Resources

    1. Hi Simon,

      Yes, it looked like an interesting tool. I’m looking forwrad to trying it out and the addition of pictures will make it potentially even more useful for my needs.

  1. Hey Grant,

    Thanks for this great collection of resources! I’m helping to build several courses in foreign language and cultural competency and would like to talk to you about designing a course in cultural competency online.

    Socratic looks like TopHat — Q and A application for mobile phones that can replace clickers. I’ve looked at this one but not tried it. I teach small classes using a blended format, not 500+ in a lecture hall.

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